Technology is a pale caricature of our own natural abilities that we have lost touch with.
“The age of adventures are over. Even if we reach the seventh galaxy, we will go there helmeted and mechanized, and it will not change a thing for us; we will find ourselves exactly as we are now: helpless children in the face of death, living beings who are not too sure how they live, why they are alive, or where they are going.
On the earth, as we know, the times of Cortez and Pizarro are over; one and the same pervasive Mechanism stifles us: the trap is closing inexorably.
But, as always, it turns out that our bleakest adversities are also our most promising opportunities, and that the dark passage is only a passage leading to a greater light.
Hence, with our backs against the wall, we are facing the last territory left for us to explore, the ultimate adventure: ourselves.
There is a twofold discovery, which we so urgently need if we want to find an intelligible meaning to the suffocating chaos we live in, as well as a key for transforming our world.
We are being led to the most important discovery of all times, to the threshold of the Great Secret that is to change the face of this world, namely, that consciousness is power, the power to transform matter at will.
Hypnotized as we are by the "inescapable" scientific conditions of the present world, we have come to believe that our hope lies in an ever greater proliferation of machines, which will see better than we do, hear better than we do, calculate better than we do, heal better than we do – and finally, perhaps, live better than we do.
Indeed, we must first realize that we can do better than our machines, and that the enormous Mechanism that is suffocating us is liable to collapse as quickly as it came into being, provided we are willing to seize on the true power and go down into our own hearts, as methodical, rigorous, and clearheaded explorers.
Then we may discover that our splendid twentieth century is still the Stone Age of psychology, that, in spite of all our science, we have not yet entered the true science of living, the real mastery of the world and of ourselves, and that there lie before us horizons of perfection, harmony and beauty, compared to which our most superb scientific discoveries are like the rough casts of an apprentice.”
(Adventure of Consciousness)
Creation by mere thought.
Once we recognize our own latent natural abilities, the world as we have known it will become exactly what we imagine it to be.
Self reflection
This temporary and extremely limited world that we have become familiar with has only one purpose - to reflect back to us our inner state, both individually and collectively, in order to give us an opportunity to make whatever adjustments to our inner state that we deem necessary before the 'governor' of Time/Space and the Laws of Physics are removed and we are ushered into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
The most difficult lesson for us to learn is this: "Morbius, that thing out there, it's you!"
The only way to change anything in the 'outer world' is to change our own inner state.
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Why do we look elsewhere for it? And expect to change anything or anyone else, other than ourselves?
This got me thinking about what would (or 'should') be the 5th Wave of Psychology. Here are the first four:
1) Psychoanalytical (Freud, et al)
2) Behavioral (Pavlov, Skinner, et al)
3) Humanistic (Viktor Frankl, Adler, et al)
4) Transpersonal (Jung, Maslow, et Al)
I would propose the 5th wave was ushered in with Sri Aurobindo's seminal work, "The Life Divine" and the ushering in of the 'Super Human' (Supramental consciousness) that is fueled and in alignment with the Divine or 'the Supreme' via the 'Psychic Being'.
Also wondering if you have read 'The Education of Oversoul Seven Trilogy' after reading some of your posts: