
We were created to be like God and nothing less will ever truly satisfy us.


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The plan is to collapse the old world order to make way for a New World Order that benefits the Elite at the expense of everyone else.

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Undeniablely, religion has been misinterpreted, misunderstood, misrepresented and misused for as long as it has been in existence.

But to discard it altogether for those, valid reasons, is to 'throw out the baby with the bathwater'.

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The Roman Catholic Church is in the process of trying to 're-define' it's Ecclesiology to help bring about the reunion of the separated Christian denominations.


On the surface, this seems like a good idea. But in the end, the only way that this world be possible would be for Orthodoxy to make some compromises in its Theology itself.

From there, it's just a few short steps to the 'Religion of the Future'.

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We were created to be like God and nothing less will ever truly satisfy us.

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How can a-theist, humanists and transhumanists choose to worship any god but themselves? I can guarantee they are Not God.

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And so, they don't care what kind of 'religion' they come up with for the rest of us. As long as we are obedient, that's all that concerns them.

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